Black Forest Pancakes

Serves 4

Rating (51 ratings)


For the Cherry Compote

450g (1lb) Cherries, pitted and halved
25g (1oz) Siúcra Golden Granulated Sugar
2 tsp Arrowroot or Cornflour

For the Pancakes
25g (1oz) Butter, plus extra for cooking
175g (6oz) Self-Raising Flour
50g (2oz) Cocoa Powder
1 tsp Baking Powder
25g (1oz) Siúcra Caster Sugar
Pinch of Sea Salt flakes
300ml (1/2 pint) Milk
1 large Egg
Dash of Kirsch (cherry liqueur, optional)
For the Crème Chantilly
200ml (7fl oz) Cream
2 tbsp Siúcra Icing Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Extract


To make the crème Chantilly, put the cream into a bowl with the Siúcra icing sugar and vanilla. Whisk by hand or with an electric beater until you have soft shiny peaks.

To make the pancakes, melt the butter in a small pan or in the microwave. Sieve the flour, cocoa and baking powder into a bowl and stir in the Siúcra caster sugar and salt. Whisk the milk, egg and melted butter in a jug with the kirsch, if using. Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture and whisk in the liquid ingredients until smooth.

Heat a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Add a knob of butter and then spoon in heaped tablespoons of the batter; you should fit in four at a time. Once bubbles begin to appear on the pancakes, then turn them over and cook for another minute or so until golden. Repeat - you should end up with 12 pancakes in total.

To serve, place a pancake on each serving plate and spoon over some of the cherry compote, then add a dollop of the crème Chantilly. Add another pancake and repeat the layers, finishing with a dollop of the crème Chantilly. Decorate each one with any remaining cherry compote and some grated plain chocolate to serve.


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