Crepes with Raspberry and Chocolate Fudge Sauce

Serves 4

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For the Crepes
100g (4oz) Plain Flour
1 tbsp Siúcra Caster Sugar
2 Large Eggs
300ml (1/2 pint) Milk
1 tbsp Sunflower Oil, plus extra for cooking

For the Chocolate Fudge Sauce
150ml (1/4 pint) Cream
75g (3oz) Siúcra Light Golden Brown Sugar
25g (1oz) Cocoa Powder
Good pinch of Sea Salt flakes
100g (4oz) Plain Chocolate, broken into squares (70% cocoa solids)
25g (1oz) Butter
1 tsp Vanilla Extract

To Decorate
450g (1lb) Raspberries
Siúcra icing sugar, to dust



Sieve the flour into a bowl and stir in the Siúcra caster sugar. Make a well in the centre and whisk in the eggs, milk, and sunflower oil until you have a smooth batter. If you have time leave it to rest for 30 minutes or start cooking straight away.

Meanwhile, make the chocolate fudge sauce. Place the cream, Siúcra light golden brown sugar, cocoa powder, salt and half of the chocolate in a pan over a medium-low heat. Cook for a couple of minutes until the chocolate has melted and the sauce has thickened, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat and stir in the remaining chocolate with the butter and vanilla, stirring until smooth. Leave to cool and thicken before using.

To cook the crepes, place a medium non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and wipe it with some oiled kitchen paper. Once hot, ladle in a thin layer of batter and cook for 1 minute on each side until golden, keeping them warm in a low oven as you go.

Arrange the crepes on warm plates in cone shapes and have the raspberries spilling out of each one. Drizzle over the chocolate fudge sauce and add a light dusting of Siúcra icing sugar on the raspberries to serve.


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