Halloween Mice

These little, sweet pastries in the form of rats are fun goodies for Halloween. Make the rat eyes using a little icing, and press in a piece of a bootlace sweet for the tail.

Makes 25

Rating (25 ratings)


50 g yeast
300 ml single cream
75 g Siúcra/McKinney's Granulated Sugar
2 pinches of salt
2 eggs
75 g butter or margarine at room temperature
About 700 g plain flour
50 split almonds


Crumble the yeast into a bowl and mix it with some of the cream until it dissolves. Add the remaining cream and the other ingredients. Work the dough until smooth on a floured worktop. Form to a sausage and cut into 25 pieces.

Shape each piece into a mouse (droplet) and place them on parchment-lined baking sheets. Leave to rise until doubled in size, about 30 minutes.

Stick two almond halves in each mouse for the ears. Bake at the centre of the oven at 225°C for about 12 minutes.

Leave to cool on a rack under a tea towel. Make the eyes using a little icing, and press in a piece of bootlace sweet for the tail.


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