Chocolate and cinnamon Christmas wreath

2 wreaths

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300 ml milk
50 g sweet dough yeast
45 g Siúcra granulated sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 tsp salt
480−600 g strong bread flour
100 g butter at room temperature

200 g butter, at room temperature
100 g chocolate, chopped
100 g hazelnuts, finely chopped
40 g Siúcra Rich Dark Brown
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
1/2 tsp sea salt flakes

Glaze: 1 lightly beaten egg

To decorate: Demerara Sugar


Heat the milk to 37°C.

Crumble the yeast into a bowl and pour over the milk. Stir until the yeast dissolves.

Add the sugar, egg, and salt, stirring constantly. Slowly mix in the flour and add the butter in knobs. Knead the dough for 5−10 minutes.

The dough should be smooth and slightly sticky. Cover the bowl and leave to rise for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 175°C.

Combine all the ingredients for the filling in a separate bowl and leave aside.

When the dough rises, tip it out onto a lightly floured pastry board.

Divide into two and carefully roll out each part into a rectangle measuring approx. 18 x 13 cm. Spread the filling onto the dough, leaving a narrow margin around the edges.

Roll up each rectangle and place on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment.

Make diagonal slits in the wreaths, cutting almost all the way through and leaving 1 cm between each braid.

Twist out the braids. Leave to rise for 30 minutes.

Brush with lightly beaten egg and sprinkle with nib or cane sugar.

Bake the wreaths in the centre of the oven for approx. 20 minutes.

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