Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

Makes about 5 to 6 depending on the size you make them

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For the cinnamon toffee syrup
60g butter
80g Siucra dark brown sugar 
3 tbsp water
½ tsp ground cinnamon

For the pancakes
180g plain flour
¼ tsp salt
2 tbsp Siucra caster sugar
1 egg
1 tbsp rapeseed oil
200ml milk
2 to 3 tbsp water, if batter is too thick

For the icing
125g Siucra icing sugar
15ml water

Oil, for frying


1.    To prepare the toffee syrup, melt the butter and Siucra dark brown sugar and water together with the ground cinnamon and simmer on lower for about 8 minutes to thicken. Take off the heat, pour the mixture into a bowl or jug, this must be cold before you use it.

2.    To make the pancakes, place the flour, salt, Siucra caster sugar into a bowl.

3.    Whisk the egg and milk together in a jug and then pour it into the flour mix until a thin batter forms.

4.    Pour this back into the jug as it will be easy to pour into the frying pan.

5.    Leave the batter to settle for 2 minutes.

6.    To prepare the icing, Put the icing sugar into a small bowl and add water. Mix together until the icing becomes thick enough to coat with a back of a spoon, you are looking for a nice pouring consistency, you don't want it too runny or it will spill over pancakes and onto the plate.   If necessary, add more water (but just a drop at a time) until it is thick/thin enough to use, or alternatively if too thin add a teaspoon more icing sugar.

7.    To cook the pancakes, heat the frying pan with a little oil. Pour batter into the pan. Pour the toffee syrup into a piping bag and then swirl some of the cinnamon toffee syrup onto the batter. Cook for about 1½ minutes until golden and then flip or lift over and cook for about another ½ minute. You will need to clean your pan after each pancake.

8.    Repeat until all the batter is finished, keeping them warm. To serve, stack 3 or 4 pancakes and drizzle over the icing, so that the pancakes resemble a cinnamon roll!

Recipe supplied by Catherine Fulvio

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