Classic Mint Jelly for Lamb

Rating (91 ratings)


3 cups packed fresh mint leaves
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
750 ml water
425 ml water
1 kg McKinney's Sure-Set Jam Sugar


Prepare the jars by washing them well and sterilise by drying them in a 150°C for 10 minutes.

Rinse off the mint leaves, and place them into a large saucepan.

Bruise the leaves by pressing down with the bottom of a jar or glass.

Add the water, and bring the mint to a boil. Remove from the heat, cover, and allow to stand for 10 minutes for the mint to infuse.

Stir in the vinegar. Mix in the sugar and cook over a low heat until the sugar dissolves. You can feel the sugar on the bottom of the pan like sand.

Bring to a rolling boil and boil for exactly 1 minute. Use a kitchen timer.

Remove from the heat, and skim the foam off the top using a large metal spoon.

Strain the jelly through a cloth lined colander. Discard the mint leaves.

Transfer the jelly to hot sterilised jars, and seal.

Once completely cooled, label and date.

Refrigerate after opening.

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