Pineapple Passion Fruit Jam

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1 pineapple (1.25kg) peeled, cored and diced into bite sized pieces
1 mango, peeled and diced into bit sized pieces
Pulp of 6 passionfruit
Zest and juice 2 limes
2tsp vanilla paste
1kg McKinney's Sure-Set Jam Sugar (adjust according to the weight of the fruit)


Prepare the jars by washing them well and sterilise by drying in a 150°C oven foeel and dice the pineapple and mango.

Add the passionfruit, lime juice, zest and vanilla. Weigh the combined quantity of fruit and weigh out the same amount of jam sugar.

Place the combined pineapple, mango, passionfruit pulp and lime in a large heavy based saucepan. Stir in the vanilla paste.

Cook for 10 - 12 mins or until the pineapple is soft. The mango will break down quite quickly to a pulp.

Add the sugar and stir over a low heat until sugar dissolves. You will feel the sugar on the bottom of the pan like sand.Increase the heat and bring to a rolling boil. Boil rapidly for exactly 4 mins. Use a kitchen timer.

Allow the jam to sit for 15 minutes for the fruit to settle and distribute evenly.

Allow the jam to sit for 15 minutes for the fruit to settle and distribute evenly.Ladle the hot jam into warm sterilised jars and seal immediately.

Set aside to cool, then label, date and store in a cool dark place.

Refrigerate after opening.

Recipe supplied by Rozanne Stevens

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