Rocky Road Parfaits

Made in collaboration with Catherine Fulvio. This layered dessert gives the classic rocky road a sophisticated makeover. Simple but eye-catching, it combines a variety of textures and the rich flavours or chocolate and coffee for delicious results.

Serves 6

Rating (19 ratings)


For the Coffee Mousse
2 Gelatine leaves
60g Siúcra Light Golden Brown Sugar
4 tbsp (1 shot) Espresso
200ml Double Cream

For the Chocolate Cream
70g Chocolate Drops
60g Siúcra Rich Dark Brown Sugar
120ml Cream, whipped
100ml Creme Fraiche

For the Glazed Nuts
4 tbsp pecans
100g Siúcra Caster Sugar

To Serve
4 tbsp Mini Marshmallows
Chocolate curls or shards


To prepare the coffee mousse, soak the gelatine leaves in 100ml cold water. Combine the Siúcra Light Golden Brown Sugar, espresso and double cream in a saucepan and heat the cream on a medium heat. Take the cream off the heat. Squeeze the excess water from the softened gelatine and add this to the hot cream and whisk well. Sieve the mixture into a jug and pour into the glasses. Place them in the fridge for about an hour.

To make the chocolate cream, melt the chocolate drops over a bain-marie (bowl of simmering water) together with the Siúcra Rich Dark Brown Sugar, stirring from time to time. Take off the heat and leave to cool slightly. Fold the cream and creme fraiche into the chocolate.

To assemble, place most of the marshmallows and a few crushed glazed pecans into the glasses on top of the set coffee mousse and spoon in the chocolate mousse. Sprinkle over a few marshmallows and pecans on the top and decorate with chocolate curls or shards


Recipe supplied by Catherine Fulvio

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